
STH 42 -妹妹湾村,门县,威斯康星州

姐妹湾和威斯康辛州交通部 /门县,威斯康星州




中国博彩平台, 土方工程 & 分级, 地下设施




2017 / 28年度ACPA中国博彩平台卓越奖


STH 42 in Sister Bay serves as both a ‘travel through’ roadway as well as a ‘main street’ where both functionality and aesthetics are equally important.






  • 20,389吨8英寸中国博彩平台
  • 22,900元共挖掘
  • 4,800年的岩石开挖
  • 13720吨基础骨料
  • 8040混凝土路缘和排水沟的高度
  • 40,953平方英尺混凝土人行道
  • 5900英尺的暴风雨下水道
  • 89污水渠结构


Winding through the northern half of Door County along the shores of the Bay of Green Bay, WIS 42走廊是, 在很大程度上, 一条两车道的高速公路,连接了许多以旅游为主的社区.

It serves as both a ‘travel through’ roadway as well as a ‘main street’ to these communities where both functionality and aesthetics are equally important.

Many of the businesses along the project make their living in only a few months of the year and therefore, great consideration was given to balancing that with the need to complete roadway work. In order to accommodate the local business community and the corresponding heavy tourist and seasonal populations, 施工分为8个阶段, 第一阶段于2015年7月开始. 公众宣传是保留当地村庄的首要任务 & Town officials and businesses informed of the progress including weekly updates and Public Informational Meetings as well as day to day communication with the local business owners.

The entire Project Team was top-notch from WisDOT’s excellent design, planning & 与村工作人员和当地企业进行协调, 18 different contractors that were extremely attentive to their work and sensitive to the local businesses, a Village Administrator that listened to and worked closely with the construction team and made timely decisions, and a construction engineering staff that understood and lived the intricacies and demands of this urban reconstruction. 该中国博彩网址侧重于增强安全性, 保护环境, 尽量减少未来的维护需求, 并尽量减少对当地经济和旅游业的干扰.

简单地说,这个中国博彩网址定义了什么是团队合作. WisDOT建立了真正的伙伴关系, 姐妹湾村, 丽工程, 中国博彩平台, 并为企业提供高质量的混凝土铺装工程. 通过这种协同作用, several achievements were made that helped both the project and the community achieve a successful project with the least intrusive effort possible, 惊人的是,提前163天完成了2车道的中国博彩平台铺设.

Every aspect of the project from conception to completion was carefully thought out, 良好的执行力, 取得了巨大的成功. The 姊妹湾村 has a revitalized corridor which will service the community for many years to come thanks to the commitment of all parties involved in delivering a quality concrete pavement project with beautiful roadway aesthetics and amenities.


  • Sister Bay is located in the heart of Door County which is highly dependent on tourism year round. The original project schedule contained 8 - planned stages of a multi-year construction project to accommodate the various tourism events in the area with concrete paving work taking place in the fall of 2015 and the spring of 2016. There were a number of changes made or efficiencies practiced at various times that allowed for expediting the project and opening WIS 42 to 2-way traffic an unimaginable 163 days sooner than planned. 的WisDOT, 姊妹湾村, and REI were very cooperative and receptive to several proposed project staging revisions involving storm sewer, 分级, 岩石开挖, 中国博彩平台.
  • Vinton proposed a Cost Reduction Incentive (CRI) allowing for placement of HES permanent concrete pavement in lieu of temporary asphalt early in the project. This cost savings opportunity included eliminating some of the temporary asphalt and placing High Early Strength (HES) permanent concrete pavement in stage 2A. Vinton again expedited concrete paving in the fall of 2015 by requesting the use of additional HES concrete for portions of the work thus minimizing curing days, 这使得后续的具体工作可以在2015年完成. Although the contract required one half of WIS 42 be open to 1-northbound lane through the winter shutdown, both lanes of WIS 42 were opened in November 2015 rather than in May of 2016 as required by contract.
  • 创新施工包括现场破碎14个,000吨挖掘的岩石和再生沥青,从而节省磨损, 眼泪, 通过减少运输卡车的交通来缓解当地街道的拥堵. 尽管温顿完成了所有的混凝土铺路作业, they chose to provide a separate subcontractor to assist in completing much of the sidewalk work which helped expedite work schedules. Multiple rock blasting and storm sewer crews were used to ensure compliance with the strict project schedule. Pre-splitting of rock walls was required in an effort to minimize right-of-way acquisition and although presplitting proved to be ineffective, the project team developed a unique rock armored wall design to accomplish the intended work.
  • Accommodating visitors to Sister Bay is a top priority for the local businesses and Village staff. Complicating the staging of this project was the fact that much of the work had to be done in extremely tight areas as STH 42 only consisted of 1 NB and 1 SB lane along with parallel parking spaces and sidewalks along each side of the highway. As many as 100,000 vehicles per week during the tourist season pass through this area. Emphasis was placed on generally maintaining at least 1 lane of traffic through the project as well as temporary pedestrian and vehicle access to the 38 businesses. Vinton continually sought ways to efficiently complete the work including working with 姐妹湾村 to alter timing and use of detour routes and street closures to best accommodate work flow while minimizing public inconvenience.